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By Austin Ulrich  •   1 minute read



 Why focus on imaginary problems? If your stressing out on them, stop it! You really do gotta focus on what’s real. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to think 3 steps ahead and be prepared for real life problems. However, when stressing on those imaginary problems that probably aren't gonna happen, have no benefit to you. Focus on what’s real💯 it’s just overthinking. We tend to overthink things and forget about the simple pleasures that are right in front of our eyes 👀 Relax and try to be a little more positive with yourself. Everything will be alright, just keep pushing forward with a smile 😃

🗡 Adventure time is one the greatest shows! It’s connects with its audience on a whole other level. If you’ve watch it then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I’ll go into detail on future edits cause that’s how much I love re-watching these scenes. Being able to voice out my opinion through the help of this show is a step on what I’m trying to do in order to vanquish everyone’s “inner demons”.

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